Provider Tips - How to make your listing more appealing!

Looking to lease a room or a property or have you already been listing and not getting any enquiries? Try these tips and tricks which will help you make your listing more appealing to students seeking accommodation.

  • Add lots of photos! Students like to see photos of the accommodation (rooms, shared areas, the building etc.).
  • Pricing: Remember to keep the weekly price down - the more affordable your property, the more students will be inclined to take your property!
    • You may want to consider adding in electricity and other utilities as well as internet into the weekly price. One price is easier than paying periodically when bills arrive.
  • Information: Try to put as much information in your listing as possible - this will be a great way to cut down unnecessary enquiries. Students will like to know (if applicable) who they are sharing with, how much bills are, if there is anything included in the weekly price etc. Tell the potential tenant about the features of the house/property as well as the specific features of the room, along with a little bit about who lives there, and explain the type of tenant you would like (keep in mind you are not allowed to discriminate).
  • Rules: It is common for providers to enforce lots of rules on their prospective housemates. While the no drugs, alcohol and parties rule is extremely fair, you may want to consider not enforcing rules such as 'only allowed to wash clothing once per week', 'only use of kitchen before 9pm each night allowed', etc. as these rules, however innocent as they seem, can be offensive to some students as many cultures require different uses of facilities in a property for varying reasons.